
Yanru MuAbout 2 min



Return: Folder

Returns the root Folder of Media Pool


Return: Folder

Returns currently selected Folder.


Return: Bool

Sets current folder by given Folder.

AddSubFolder(folder, name)

Return: Folder

Adds a new subfolder under specified Folder object with the given name.

MoveFolders([folders], targetFolder)

Return: Bool

Moves specified folders to target folder.


Return: Bool

Deletes the specified subfolders in the media pool


Return: Bool

Deletes the specified clips in the media pool

MoveClips([clips], targetFolder)

Return: Bool

Moves specified clips to target folder.


Return: [paths]

Get mattes for specified MediaPoolItem, as a list of paths to the matte files.


Return: [MediaPoolItems]

Get mattes in specified Folder, as list of MediaPoolItems.

DeleteClipMattes(MediaPoolItem, [paths])

Return: Bool

Delete mattes based on their file paths, for specified MediaPoolItem. Returns True on success.

RelinkClips([MediaPoolItem], folderPath)

Return: Bool

Update the folder location of specified media pool clips with the specified folder path.


Return: Bool

Unlink specified media pool clips.


Return: [MediaPoolItems]

Imports specified file/folder paths into current Media Pool folder. Input is an array of file/folder paths.

Returns a list of the MediaPoolItems created.


Return: [MediaPoolItems]

Imports file path(s) into current Media Pool folder as specified in list of clipInfo dict.

Returns a list of the MediaPoolItems created.

ExportMetadata(fileName, [clips])

Return: Bool

Exports metadata of specified clips to fileName in CSV format.


Return: Timeline

Adds a new timeline with given name.

AppendToTimeline(clip1, clip2...)

Return: Bool

Appends specified MediaPoolItem objects in the current timeline. Returns True if successful.


Return: Bool

Appends specified MediaPoolItem objects in the current timeline. Returns True if successful.

AppendToTimeline([{clipInfo}, ...])

Return: Bool

Appends list of clipInfos specified as a dict of "mediaPoolItem", "startFrame" (int), "endFrame" (int).

CreateTimelineFromClips(name, clip1, clip2, ...)

Return: Timeline

Creates a new timeline with specified name, and appends the specified MediaPoolItem objects.

CreateTimelineFromClips(name, [clips])

Return: Timeline

Creates a new timeline with specified name, and appends the specified MediaPoolItem objects.

CreateTimelineFromClips(name, [{clipInfo}])

Return: Timeline

Creates a new timeline with specified name, appending the list of clipInfos specified as a dict of

  • "mediaPoolItem"
  • "startFrame" (int)
  • "endFrame" (int)


Return: Timeline

Creates timeline based on parameters within given file.


Return: Bool

Deletes specified timelines in the media pool.

Last update:
Contributors: muyanru