Add subclips to timeline

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Add subclips to timeline

#!/usr/bin/env python

Example DaVinci Resolve script:
Adds subclips [frame 0 .. 23] to current timeline for all media pool root folder clips
Example usage:

from python_get_resolve import GetResolve

if __name__ == "__main__":
    resolve = GetResolve()
    projectManager = resolve.GetProjectManager()
    project = projectManager.GetCurrentProject()
    mediaPool = project.GetMediaPool()
    rootFolder = mediaPool.GetRootFolder()
    clips = rootFolder.GetClipList()

    for clip in clips:
        if clip.GetClipProperty()["Video Codec"] != "":
            subClip = {
                "mediaPoolItem": clip,
                "startFrame": 0,
                "endFrame": 23,

            if mediaPool.AppendToTimeline([ subClip ]):
                print("added subclip (first 24 frames) of \"" + clip.GetName() + "\" to current timeline.")

Example DaVinci Resolve script:
Adds subclips [frame 0 .. 23] to current timeline for all media pool root folder clips

resolve = Resolve()
projectManager = resolve:GetProjectManager()
project = projectManager:GetCurrentProject()
mediaPool = project:GetMediaPool()
rootFolder = mediaPool:GetRootFolder()
clips = rootFolder:GetClips()

for clipIndex in pairs(clips) do
  clip = clips[clipIndex]
  videoCodec = clip:GetClipProperty()["Video Codec"]
  if videoCodec ~= "" then
    subClip = {}
    subClip["mediaPoolItem"] = clip
    subClip["startFrame"] = 0
    subClip["endFrame"] = 23

    if mediaPool:AppendToTimeline({ subClip }) then
      print("added subclip (first 24 frames) of \"" .. clip:GetName() .. "\" to current timeline.")

贡献者: Yanru Mu,muyanru