Get current media thumbnail

Yanru MuDecember 8, 2022Less than 1 minute

Get current media thumbnail

#!/usr/bin/env python

Example DaVinci Resolve script:
Display current media thumbnail from the color page using open cv plugin
This example is dependent on opencv2 and numpy, which can be installed using: pip install opencv-python numpy
Example usage:

from python_get_resolve import GetResolve
import array
import base64
import cv2
import numpy as np

# Decode from base64 image string and return cv2 matrix image in BGR format for display
def readb64(base64_string, width, height):
    nparr = np.fromstring(base64.b64decode(base64_string), np.uint8)
    nparr = nparr.reshape(int(height), int(width), 3)
    return cv2.cvtColor(nparr, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    resolve = GetResolve()
    projectManager = resolve.GetProjectManager()
    project = projectManager.GetCurrentProject()

    timeline = project.GetCurrentTimeline()
    currentMediaThumbnail = timeline.GetCurrentClipThumbnailImage()

    if (currentMediaThumbnail is None) or (len(currentMediaThumbnail) == 0):
        print("There is no current media thumbnail")

    width = currentMediaThumbnail["width"]
    height = currentMediaThumbnail["height"]
    format = currentMediaThumbnail["format"] # Currently we only have RBG 8 bit format

    print("Width of the thumbnail is " + str(width) + ", Height is " + str(height) + ", Format is " + str(format))

    imgstring = currentMediaThumbnail["data"]
    cvimg = readb64(imgstring, width, height)
    cv2.imshow("Current Media Thumbnail", cvimg)
Example DaVinci Resolve script:
Retrieve current media thumbnail from the color page

resolve = Resolve()
projectManager = resolve:GetProjectManager()
project = projectManager:GetCurrentProject()
timeline = project:GetCurrentTimeline()
currentMediaThumbnail = timeline:GetCurrentClipThumbnailImage()
width = currentMediaThumbnail["width"]
height = currentMediaThumbnail["height"]
format = currentMediaThumbnail["format"]
imageBase64str = currentMediaThumbnail["data"]
print(" Width of the thumbnail is " .. width .. ", Height is " .. height .. ", Format is " .. format .. "\n Thumbnail image data in base64 is " .. imageBase64str)
-- Need to decode the image from base 64 to retrieve the image just like the python example.