Handle timeline markers

Yanru MuDecember 8, 2022Less than 1 minute

Handle timeline markers

 * Sample script to demonstrate following operations to current Timeline in DaVinci Resolve Studio:
 * 1. Add markers
 * 2. Get markers
 * 3. Set customData
 * 4. Delete markers
 * NOTE: Add a Timeline (recommended duration >= 80 frames) before running this script.

const WorkflowIntegration = require('./WorkflowIntegration.node');

// Configurable variables
PLUGIN_ID = "com.blackmagicdesign.resolve.sampleplugin"; // update it to your unique plugin Id as mentioned in the manifest.xml file

// Main function to perform all actions
function main(pluginId) {
    // Check pluginId
    if (!pluginId) {
        alert("Error: 'pluginId' is empty, update it to some valid value and try again!");
        return false;

    // Initialize
    isInitialized = WorkflowIntegration.Initialize(pluginId);
    if (!isInitialized) {
        alert("Error: Failed to initialize!");

    // Get resolve object
    resolve = WorkflowIntegration.GetResolve();
    if (!resolve) {
        alert("Error: Failed to get resolve object!");

    // Get supporting objects
    projectManager = resolve.GetProjectManager();
    project = projectManager.GetCurrentProject();
    timeline = project.GetCurrentTimeline(); // current timeline

    if (!timeline) {
        alert("Error: No current timeline exist, add a timeline (recommended duration >= 80 frames) and try again!");

    // Open Edit page

    // Get timeline frames
    startFrame = parseInt(timeline.GetStartFrame());
    endFrame = parseInt(timeline.GetEndFrame());
    numFrames = endFrame - startFrame;

    // Add Markers
    if (numFrames >= 1) {
        isSuccess = timeline.AddMarker(/*markerPos*/ 1, /*color*/ "Red", /*markerName*/ "Marker1", /*note*/ "Marker1 at frame 1", /*duration*/ 1);
        if (isSuccess) {
            console.log("Added marker at FrameId:1");

    if (numFrames >= 20) {
        isSuccess = timeline.AddMarker(/*markerPos*/ 20, /*color*/ "Blue", /*markerName*/ "Marker2", /*note*/ "Marker2 at frame 20", /*duration*/ 1, /*customData*/ "My Custom Data"); // marker with custom data
        if (isSuccess) {
            console.log("Added marker at FrameId:20");

    if (numFrames >= (50 + 20)) {
        isSuccess = timeline.AddMarker(/*markerPos*/ 50, /*color*/ "Green", /*markerName*/ "Marker3", /*note*/ "Marker3 at frame 50 (duration 20)", /*duration*/ 20); // marker with duration 20 frames
        if (isSuccess) {
            console.log("Added marker at FrameId:50");

    // Get all markers for the clip
    markers = timeline.GetMarkers();
    for (let [frameId, markerInfo] of Object.entries(markers)) {
        console.log("Marker at FrameId:" + frameId);

    // Get marker using custom data
    markerWithCustomData = timeline.GetMarkerByCustomData("My Custom Data");
    console.log("Marker with customData:");

    // Set marker custom data
    updatedCustomData = "Updated Custom Data";
    isSuccess = timeline.UpdateMarkerCustomData(20, updatedCustomData);
    if (isSuccess) {
        console.log("Updated marker customData at FrameId:20");

    // Get marker custom data
    customData = timeline.GetMarkerCustomData(20);
    console.log(`Marker CustomData at FrameId:20 is:'${customData}'`);

    // Delete marker using color
    isSuccess = timeline.DeleteMarkersByColor("Red");
    if (isSuccess) {
        console.log("Deleted marker with color:'Red'");

    // Delete marker using frame number
    isSuccess = timeline.DeleteMarkerAtFrame(50)
    if (isSuccess) {
        console.log("Deleted marker at frameNum:50");

    // Delete marker using custom data
    isSuccess = timeline.DeleteMarkerByCustomData(updatedCustomData)
    if (isSuccess) {
        console.log(`Deleted marker with customData:'${updatedCustomData}'`);

    // Done
    // WorkflowIntegration.CleanUp(); // Call CleanUp() during plugin app quit only

// Run main function